
Here is the list of references relevant for the workshop. It will continue to be updated. 

Key readings will be distributed to workshop participants in due time. 

Adam Kuper. 1994. Culture, Identity and the Project of a Cosmopolitan Anthropology. Man. 29(3), 537-554

Alberto Corsín Jiménez. 2003. Teaching the field: the order, ordering, and scale of knowledge. Anthropology Matters 1[]=127

Alexandra Bakalaki. 1997. Students, Natives, Colleagues: Encounters in Academia and in the Field. Cultural Anthropology 12(4), pp. 502-526

Alexandra Bakalaki. 2006. A Different Kind of Knowledge? Learning Anthropology in the Greek University System. Journal of Modern Greek Studies 24(2), 257-283

Alexandra Bitusikova. Ethnology and Socio-Cultural Antropology in Slovakia: State-of-the-Arts. Presentation at the conference in Madrid 2008, part of the project La Antropología en España y en Europa.
Aliki Angelidou. Pathways of anthropology in South Eastern Europe: an ethnographic approach of the discipline and its disciples in Bulgaria and Greece. Presentation at the conference in Madrid 2008, part of the project La Antropología en España y en Europa.

Aleksandar Bošković. 2005. Constructing ‘Self’ and ‘Other’: anthropology and national identity in former Yugoslavia. Anthropology Today 21 (2), 8–13

Allaine Cerwonka. 2008. Traveling Feminist Thought: Difference and Transculturation in Central and Eastern European Feminism. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 33(4), 809-832.

Barbara Einhorn. 1995. Cinderella goes to Market. London, New York, Verso.

Chris Hann, Mihály Sárkány, Petr Skalník (eds.). 2005. Studying Peoples in the People’s Democracies: Socialist Era Anthropology in East-Central Europe, Münster: LIT Verlag

Chris Hann et al. 2007. Anthropology’s Multiple Temporalities and its Future in Central and Eastern Europe. A Debate. Halle / Saale. Working Paper No. 90. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers

David Scheffel and Josef Kandert. 1994. Politics and Culture in Czech Ethnography.  Anthropological Quarterly 67(1), 15-23

Драгана Радојичић (ур). 2005. Етнологија и антропологија: стање и перспективе. Београд: Зборник ЕИ САНУ 21

Eduardo Restrepo and Arturo Escobar. 2005. Other Anthropologies and Anthropology Otherwise. Steps to a World Anthropologies Framework. Critique of Anthropology 25(2), 99–129

George E. Marcus and Judith Okely. 2007. Debate Section Social Anthropology/ Anthropologie Sociale 15(3), 353–367

Helena Tužinská. 2008. How Far Have We Gone With Being Applied? From Národopis to Antropológia, Curricula Heterogeneity and Public Engagement in Slovakia. Stud. ethnol. Croat. 20, Zagreb, 193-209

Ines Prica. 1998/1999. Etnologija ali antropologija! Prilog diskusiji na temu: Etnologija i?, ili?, i/ili,? kroz?, versus? (itd.) antropologija. Stud. Ethnol. Croat. 10/11, 201-214

Ines Prica. 2004.2005. Etnologija postsocijalizma i prije. Ili: Dvanaest godina nakon "Etnologije... Etnol. Trib. 27-28(34/35), 9-22

Ines Prica. 2010. On the Possibility of Transmitting the Fieldwork Experience – Presentation of the Meta-Methodological Conditions of the Transitional Fieldwork. Гласник Етнографског института САНУ 58 (2), 17-28

Jasna Čapo Žmegač; Valentina Gulin Zrnić; Goran Pavel Šantek. 2006. Etnologija bliskoga : poetika i politika suvremenih terenskih istraživanja. Zagreb : Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku : Naklada Jesenski i Turk 

Joel M. Halpern and E. A. Hammel. 1969. Observations on the Intellectual History of Ethnology and Other Social Sciences in Yugoslavia. Comparative Studies in Society and History 11(1), 17-26

Јован Цвијић. 1911. Упутства за испитивање насеља и психичких особина. Београд, 1-49

Јован Ердељановић. 1910. Упутства за испитивање народа и народног живота. Београд, 1-80

Јован Ердељановић. 1925. Упутство за испитивање народног живота и обичаја у Војводини. Нови Сад, 1-63

Јован Ердељановић и Миленко С. Филиповић. 1938. Упутства за испитивање народног живота, обичаја и особина у Јужној Србији. Упутства скопског научног друштва св. 1. Скопље: Скопско научно друштво, 1-79

László Kürti. 1996. Homecoming: Affairs of Anthropologists in and of Eastern Europe. Anthropology Today 12(3), 11-15

Laura Busheikin. 1997. Is Sisterhood Really Global? Western Feminism in Eastern Europe. In: Ana’s Land. Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, Tanya Renne (ed.). Boulder: Westview Press, 12-21

Љиљана Гавриловић. 2006. Југословенски етнограф Никола Арсеновић. Београд: ПИ ЕИ САНУ 55

Maja Povrzanović Frykman. 2003. The War and After. On War-Related Anthropological Research in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Etnol. trib. 26(33), 55-74

Marek Skovajsa. Social anthropology and national ethnography in post-socialist academic fields: partners or rivals?

Marina Blagojevic. 2004. Creators, transmitters and users: women’s scientific excellence at the semiperiphery of Europe. In: Gender and Excellence in the Making, edited by European Commission Directorate-Genderal for Research. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 135-146

Marina Blagojevic. 2009. Knowledge production at the Semiperiphery: A Gender Perspective. Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja

Marina Blagojević and Gad Yair. 2010. The Catch 22 Syndrome of Social Scientists in the Semiperiphery: Exploratory Sociological Observations. Sociologija 52(4), 337-358

Марина Керимова. Етнографско програмирање у Русији у XIX веку (Састављање етнографског програма – упитника у Русији у XIX веку). Гласник Етнографског института САНУ 58 (2), 111-116

Marina Simić. Fieldwork Dillemas: Problems of Location, Insiderhood, - and Implicit Discourses. Гласник Етнографског института САНУ 58(2), 29-42

Marius Turda. 2010. Introduction: Whither race? Physical anthropology in post-1945 Central and Southeastern Europe. Focaal—Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology 58, 3–15

Mariza G. S. Peirano. 1998. When Anthropology is at Home: The Different Contexts of a Single Discipline. Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 27, 105-128

Michael Sozan. 1977. The History of Hungarian Ethnography, Washington, D.C.: University Press of America

Michał Buchowski. Hierarchies Of Knowledge In Central-Eastern European Anthropology

Mihály Sárkány. Cultural and Social Anthropology in Central and Eastern Europe.

Miloš Milenković. 2006 Postmoderna teorija etnografije. Prolegomena za istoriju postmoderne antropologije. Antropologija 2, 44-66

Miloš Milenković. 2008. Da li je etnografija deo antropologije ili je antropologija deo etnografije? Etnoantropološki problem 1(3), 275-278

Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller. 1993. Gender Politics and Post-Communism. New York, London: Routledge

Nanette Funk. 2004. Feminist Critiques of Liberalism: Can They Travel East? Their Relevance in Eastern and Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union. Signs 29(3), 695-726

Nanette Funk. 2007. Fifteen Years of the East-West Women’s Dialogue. In: Living gender after communism. Janet Elise Johnson, Jean C. Robinson (eds.), Indiana University Press. Bloomington and Indianapolis, 203-226 

Naumović Slobodan. 1997. The ‘Double Insider Syndrome’ Or Is Romanticist Heritage the Primary Source of  Ideologised Discourses in Balkan Ethnology.” Zbornik Filozofskog Fakulteta, Knjiga XIX, Serija А, Beograd, 319-351

Naumović Slobodan. 1998. Romanticists or Double Insiders? An Essay on the Origins of Ideologised Discourses In Balkan Ethnology. Ethnologia Balkanica 2, 101-120

Peter Skalník (ed.) 2000. Sociocultural Anthropology at the Turn of the Century. Voices from the Periphery, Praha, Prague Studies in Sociocultural Anthropology 2, Set Out

Peter Skalník (ed.) 2002. A Post-Communist Millennium: the struggles for sociocultural anthropology in Central and Eastern Europe, Prague: Set Out

Susan Gal and Gale Kligman. 2000. The Politics of Gender after Socialism. Princeton, Princeton UP.

Tamas Hofer. 1968. Anthropologists and Native Ethnographers in Central European Villages: Comparative Notes on the Professional Personality of Two Disciplines. Current Anthropology 9(4), 311-315

Timothy McCajor Hall and Rosie Read (Eds.). 2005. Editors’ Introduction. In: Changes in the Heart of Europe. Recent Ethnographies of Czechs, Slovaks, Roma, and Sorbs. Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag, 9-18

Valentina Gulin Zrnić. Auto-ethnography: research into one's own culture. Some methodological insights. Conference: European City in Comparative Perspective
Session: Creating urban memories: the role of oral testimony

Valery A. Tishkov. 1998. U.S. and Russian anthropology. Unequal dialogue in a time of transition. Current Anthropology 39, 1-17

Vintila Mihailescu, Ilia IlievSlobodan Naumovic (eds.) 2009. Studying Peoples in the People's Democracies II: Socialist Era Anthropology in South-East Europe. Lit Verlag


Askew, K & Wilk, R. (eds) 2002. The Anthropology of Media: A Reader. Oxford: Blackwell

Banks, M. 2001 Visual Methods in Social Research. London: Sage.Press

Berger, J. 1973 Ways of Seeing. London: BBC Books

Coote J and Shelton, A. (eds) 1994. Anthropology, Art and Aesthetics. Oxford: Oxford University

David MacDougall 2005  ‘The Corporeal Image: Film, Ethnography and the Senses’. Princeton:
            Princeton University Press

Edwards E & Bhaumik, K (eds) 2008. Visual Sense: A Cultural Reader. Oxford and New York: Berg

Feld, S. & Brenneis D. 2004. ‘Doing Anthropology in Sound’ in American Ethnologist 31:4, 461- 474.

Grimshaw, A. 1999. The Ethnographer’s Eye: Ways of Seeing in Modern Anthropology. Cambridge
            University Press.

Howes, D. (ed) 2004 Empire of the Senses Oxford and New York: Berg

Irving, A. Into the Gloaming: a Montage of the Senses (IN PRINT)

Layton, R. 1991 The Anthropology of Art. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Mirzoeff, N. (ed) 2002. Visual Culture Reader. London: Routledge.

Morphy, H and Perkins, M. (eds) 2006 The Anthropology of Art: A Reader. Oxford: Blackwell

Pink, S. Kurti, L and Afonso, A (eds) 2004 . Working Images: Visual Research and Representation in
            Ethnography. London: Routledge.

Rice, T. 2003. ‘Soundselves: An acoustemology of Sound and Self in the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary’                       Anthropology Today 19:4, 4-9.

Ruby, Jay. ‘Towards an Anthropological Cinema’. Lecture presented at the Nordic Anthropological Film Association Meetings, Ísafjörur, Iceland, 6 June 2008. 

Ruby, Jay. 2005 ‘The Last 20 Years of Visual Anthropology – a Critical Review’ in Visual Studies, 20:2, 159-170.  

Taylor, L. (ed) 1994 Visualizing Theory: Selected Essays from Visual Anthropology Review New York:

Weiner, J. (ed)  1995 Too Many Meanings: A critique of the Anthropology of Aesthetics. Special
Issue of Social Analysis. 38

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